The Local Plan will set out the council's vision, objectives, policies and delivery strategy for new development in the borough to at least 2031 and will eventually replace the saved policies in the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005.
The Local Plan together with supplementary planning documents will form the council's planning framework for the borough. More information on these and other relevant documents can be found by clicking on the links below.
Document | Description |
The Statement of Community Involvement describes how the council will involve the community when preparing its local planning documents and when considering planning applications. | |
Evidence Base | The council's evidence base comprises a number of studies that have been carried out to inform the preparation of the Local Plan. |
Annual Monitoring Report | The Annual Monitoring Report contains information on the implementation of the Local Development Scheme and the extent to which the policies within the council's Development Plan are being achieved. |
The Local Plan will replace the District Plan and will set out the planning framework for the borough for the period up to 2033. | |
Supplementary Planning Documents | Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD's) are non-statutory documents which provide greater detail on policies contained within the Development Plan. |
Local Development Scheme | The Local Development Scheme sets out the programme for the preparation of the Local Plan and was last updated in April 2017. |
Sustainability Appraisal | The Sustainability Appraisal is an integrated part of the plan-making process. It assesses the economic, social and environmental sustainability of plans. |
The community infrastructure levy is a locally set planning charge that the council is proposing to implement to raise contributions from new development towards the delivery of necessary supporting infrastructure. |