The council has produced a suite of Planning Guidance to support and expand upon policies contained within the District Plan. These documents set out the council's position on a range of key topics and are a material consideration for development control purposes.

The following documents are available to view online, or at the council's offices in Welwyn Garden City:

Welwyn Garden City Town Centre North SPDApril 2015

The Welwyn Garden City Town Centre North Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted on 7 April 2015.  The SPD supplements Policy TCR4 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005 and outlines the council's vision for the Welwyn Garden City Town Centre North site as well as providing an indicative development approach.

Icon for pdf Welwyn Garden City Guide to Shopfront and Advertisement DesignSeptember 2012

This leaflet provides advice to those who are considering external alterations to shop fronts and/or installing advertisements or signage to commercial premises in Welwyn Garden City town centre.

Houses in Multiple Occupation SPDFebruary 2012

The Houses in Multiple Occupation (SPD) sets out the Council's proposed approach to planning applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation.  The SPD was adopted by the council on the 7 February 2012.  The Hatfield Article 4 Direction means that, from 12 January 2012, planning permission is needed when owners intend to turn a dwelling house into an HMO for three to six occupants in Hatfield.  The requirements for licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation are separate from requirements for planning permission.

Planning Obligations SPDFebruary 2012

The Planning Obligations SPD expands on policy IM2 (planning obligations) of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan (adopted 2005), and provides detailed guidance on the type and scale of planning obligations sought in the borough, in addition to setting out the council's approach to securing planning obligations, with the aim of establishing a transparent, fair and consistent process for negotiating and monitoring planning obligations.  The SPD was adopted by the council on the 7 February 2012.

High View SPDApril 2011

High View is allocated in the District Plan as a housing site suitable for mixed use development, and is also included in the council's rolling programme of improving its neighbourhood centres. The High View SPD was adopted by the council on the 12 April 2011. The SPD sets out the planning framework to guide the re-development of this area.

Broadwater Road West SPDDecember 2008

The Broadwater Road West Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the council on 2 December 2008. This SPD outlines the council's vision for the future of Broadwater Road West and sets out a masterplan to guide and promote the comprehensive redevelopment of this key site.

Icon for pdf HCC Planning Obligations Guidance - Toolkit for Hertfordshire January 2008January 2008

The Planning Obligations Guidance - Toolkit for Hertfordshire is the County Council's planning obligations guidance document for development in Hertfordshire. It clearly sets out how the County Council deals with the negotiation, preparation and completion of planning obligation agreements required to mitigate the impacts of development on education, highways and public transport infrastructure.  This guidance was adopted in January 2008, the County Council are currently working on reviewing and updating this document.

Icon for pdf Supplementary Design GuidanceFebruary 2005

This document provides guidance on the design and layout of all new development in District and supplements policies in the District Plan.

Icon for pdf Parking StandardsJanuary 2004

This document sets out parking standards for new developments, providing support for policy M14 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan.

Icon for pdf Digswell Character AppraisalJanuary 2004

This document sets out the important characteristics of the settlement that should be protected and provides guidelines against which future planning applications for new housing in Digswell will be assessed.

Icon for pdf Queenswood School Masterplanning BriefMarch 2003

The Welwyn Hatfield District Plan defines the central area of the Queenswood School site as a 'Major Developed Site in the Green Belt' and requires any proposals for infilling and redevelopment to be treated in a comprehensive way and brought forward in the context of a master planning brief.

Icon for pdf Hatfield Town Centre East Redevelopment Planning BriefJuly 2002

The Hatfield Town Centre Planning Brief was produced to guide the formulation of development proposals for the eastern end of Hatfield Town Centre.

Icon for pdf New Barnfield Masterplanning BriefJune 2000

The New Barnfield Masterplanning Brief explores the potential for re-developing parts of this extensive site.

 Icon for pdf Hatfield Aerodrome SPGNovember 1999

The Hatfield Aerodrome Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) sets out the masterplan for the re-development of the Hatfield Aerodrome site and outlines the key principles that any development on the site should include.