The Welwyn Hatfield District Plan is the current adopted Local Plan and provides a framework for planning decisions in the borough.
The Welwyn Hatfield District Plan was adopted in 2005. A number of policies have been 'saved' until it is replaced by a Local Development Framework.
Saved Policies
The District Plan was automatically saved for three years after its adoption. Following this, a request was made to the Secretary of State to save some policies beyond this period. This request was agreed in April 2008 and the District Plan saved policies continue to be part of the development plan.
The council did not save a number of policies because they duplicated government policy and were therefore not necessary. It is important to note that simply because a policy has not been saved does not mean that the policy stance of this council has changed. For clarification a schedule of not saved policies been produced, explaining why particular policies have not been saved.
View the District Plan
The interactive version of the District Plan 2005 provides easy access to the proposals maps and the written statement. The Written Statement section of the District Plan can also be downloaded in five parts. Please note that these include both the saved and not saved policies.