An Article 4 Direction removes the Permitted Development right to convert a home into a House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) in Hatfield. The Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be used to determine planning applications for any proposed HMO.

There are six criteria that the council will consider applications against. These are set out on pages 16 to 30 of the Icon for pdf Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Document.

In summary, these are:

1: Creating mixed, balanced, sustainable and inclusive communities in Hatfield - Applications will not be permitted where they would result in an over-concentration of HMOs which would have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. Details explaining how this will be assessed are set out on pages 18 and 19 of the Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD.

2: Car Parking - Minimum car parking standards are set out on page 20.

3: Bicycle Parking - Minimum bicycle parking standards are set out on page 21.

4: Waste and Recycling Storage and Collection - Requirements for the adequate storage of waste, recycling and compost bins within the property boundary are set out on pages 22 and 23, including bin types and dimensions.

5: Layout and Design - In assessing applications to determine whether the Layout and Design criterion has been met, the following will be considered; internal layout standards; external amenity space; drying area; and entrance. See pages 24 and 29 of the Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD for full details.

6: Flood Risk - is set out on page 30 of the Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD.

In addition, a Icon for pdf note of clarification has been prepared and went to Cabinet Housing and Planning Panel on 23 January 2014.

List of items available to download
Icon for pdf Houses in Multiple Occupation SPDThis is the Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Document, February 2012. It is 39 pages long.
Icon for pdf Consultation StatementThis is the consultation statement, it sets out how consultation was carried out, what responses were received and how they were taken into account. It is 41 pages long.
Icon for pdf Adoption StatementThis is the adoption statement. It is one page.
Icon for pdf Hatfield HMO Article 4 Direction and Boundary 2011An Article 4 Direction removes certain Permitted Development (PD) rights, meaning that proposed development needs to seek planning permission. This removes the PD right allowing conversion of homes into HMO's in Hatfield.

The Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD was adopted by the council on 7 February 2012.  Public consultation on the draft SPD took place from Wednesday 21 September until Tuesday 25 October 2011.