Information about who to contact if you are concerned about the sale or supply of products to underage persons.
Legislation prohibits the sale, supply, offer to supply, or hire of specified products to persons under the minimum legal age.
If you are concerned about persons attempting to buy or sell products that are 'age restricted' then you can contact us anonymously by email, text or phone. This includes some sales to persons who are buying products for those too young to buy the product themselves.
Tel: 01707 357925
Text: 07768 433172
You can find out which products are 'age restricted' and what you can do to protect your business and young persons by downloading the Saleswatch Age Restricted Items leaflet, checking the table below or visiting
Product | Age Restriction | Maximum Penalty |
Adult fireworks and sparklers (category F2 [outdoor use - confined | 18 and over | Unlimited fine and three months' imprisonment |
Aerosol paint | 16 and over | £2,500 fine |
Alcohol | 18 and over | Unlimited fine and forfeit of licence |
Christmas crackers | 12 and over | Unlimited fine and three months' imprisonment |
Crossbows / knives / axes / blades | 18 and over | Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment |
Electronic Cigarettes Nicotine Inhaling Products (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing) Regulations 2015 | 18 and over | £2,500 fine for underage sale (or £90 Fixed Penalty Notice) |
Lighter refills containing butane | 18 and over | Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment |
Lottery tickets / 'instant win' cards | 16 and over | Unlimited fine and two years' imprisonment |
Party poppers and similar low-hazard low-noise fireworks (category F1) (except Christmas crackers) | 16 and over | Unlimited fine and three months' imprisonment |
Petrol | 16 and over | Unlimited fine and one years' imprisonment |
Tobacco products | 18 and over | £2,500 fine |
Video recordings: U (Universal) PG (Parental Guidance) Classification 12 Classification 15 Classification 18 Classification R18 | Unrestricted Unrestricted 12 and over 15 and over 18 and over 18 and over in a licensed sex shop | N/A N/A Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment |
Video games: PEGI rating 3 PEGI rating 7 PEGI rating 12 PEGI rating 16 PEGI rating 18 | Unrestricted Unrestricted 12 and over 16 and over 18 and over | N/A N/A Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment |
Volatile substances / solvents (offence occurs ONLY if the person knows or believes it is to be used for intoxication) | 18 and over (but see left) | Unlimited fine and six months' imprisonment |