COVID - 19 (coronavirus) - Pet Services Businesses

Information about what pet services businesses can do during the COVID-19 lockdown provided by members of the National Animal Health and Welfare Panel.

Find out about changes

The Licensing Team carry out regular inspections of premises in the borough that are licensed to keep, breed or sell animals in order to ensure that they comply with the conditions attached to their licence.

New laws relating to Animal Activity Licensing are now in force.

The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 cover the licensing of:

  • animal boarding businesses (including home boarders and day carers),
  • dog breeders,
  • pet shops,
  • riding establishments
  • and people that keep or train animals for exhibitions

Businesses operating with these activities will need to comply with the new conditions, and will be assessed before the licence is granted to make sure they can meet them.

Those businesses operating under current licences will be able to continue to do so until the expiry date of their licence. Letters will be sent out with information on how to apply for the new-style licences three months before the expiry date of existing licenses.

For more information please email  .